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Day Nursery

Meithrinfa Dydd

The nursery encourages hands on experiences in the young child’s life including animal visits.

Messy play is an important part of our daily routine, children play in jelly, water, pasta, shredded paper, bubbles and much, much more – they have lots of fun getting very messy!

Food and snacks are cooked freshly on the premises and included in the price.


Our day nursery activities include:

Arts and Crafts Celf a Chrefft
Playdough Toes Chwarae
Sand and Water Twyod a Dŵr
Cooking Coginio
Outdoor Play Chwarae mas ti fas
Music and Movement Cerddoriaeth a Symudiad
Small World Play Chwarae Byd Bach
messy play chwarae bler

What our parents say

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